Become a Member of Angel-Paws Inc
Angel-Paws Inc. is always looking for more helpers and supporters. Not everyone is able to foster an animal or physically volunteer. However there are hundreds of other heroes who still do all they can to help save a life and make a difference.
There is the woman who gave up her day off to drive to Bowen to collect a litter of puppies the had been abandoned in a box.
There is the volunteer who gave a few days of her holidays to bake treats and help at a market stall.
There are the committee members and coordinators that work full time and give up their free time to run Angel-Paws Inc.
There are the wonderful businesses that donate to and support Angel-Paws Inc. with products, vouchers and money.
There are the quilters, painters, sewers and crafters who make amazing things for our animals or for fundraising.
Then of course there are the people like you who listen to our stories and donate what you can and when you can.
Each and every one of us can make a difference, change a life and be a hero.
Angel-Paws Inc. membership is $10 per annum and is effective 1st October to 30th September annually.
To become a member please Contact Us to request an application form.