Townsville Pet Rescue

A New Chapter in Animal Welfare

At Angel-Paws Inc, we are thrilled to announce a major milestone in our mission to improve the lives of animals in North Queensland. With your unwavering support, we have secured new premises in Townsville, marking a significant leap forward for animal welfare in the region. The newly named Townsville Pet Rescue by Angel-Paws will be a haven for animals in need, offering rescue, adoption, and boarding services in a state-of-the-art facility.

This new centre is not just a building; it's a lifeline for countless animals that need shelter, care, and love. In the past year alone, Angel-Paws Inc has successfully fostered and re-homed over 1,200 animals. However, the rising demand for our services has outstripped our current capacity, leading to the heartbreaking reality of having to turn animals away due to a lack of space and suitable foster carers.

With the Townsville Pet Rescue Centre, that is about to change. The facility will allow us to house 60 dogs and 30 cats at any given time, significantly easing the burden on our dedicated foster carers and volunteers. This expansion is a game-changer, not just for our organization, but for the long-term welfare of animals throughout regional Queensland.

But we can’t do this alone. The new property at Stuart requires substantial renovation to meet the standards we uphold at Angel-Paws. We are reaching out to our community for help. Whether you can volunteer your time, donate materials, or contribute resources, every bit of assistance brings us closer to our goal of opening this new facility.

Volunteers are needed for a variety of tasks, from cleaning and vegetation management to basic repairs like fixing fences, clearing gutters, and painting. Your contribution, big or small, will make a significant difference in the lives of animals waiting for a second chance.

Join us in making Townsville Pet Rescue by Angel-Paws a reality. Together, we can save more lives and create a brighter future for animals across North Queensland.