Our new kennels are a job and a half!
Wow, what a blast the team had today! Or should we say what a lot of water blasting the team did today. We knew we had a big job ahead of us, but we are discovering more and more to do to this place. Today saw us pressure hosing fences, building blocks and pathways, along with some little handyman jobs.
We have finally got the building we are going to convert into The Cattery, (or maybe we will call it The Cat House) fully cleaned and all walls and ceilings sugar soaped. The next step is to plaster the cracks and holes then start painting.
The internal vet clinic is in final stages of design and should be ready to move into by January.
Our kennels are a job and a half! The team have been doing some amazing stuff, working with the materials we have, to repair the disrepair. We have cleared another 10 kennels today of rusted useless fencing, and broken concrete. We are keeping and recycling as much material as we have, as long as we can bring it to a standard that we would expect our animals to be housed in.
Next week we will continue pressure hosing, and start grinding and sanding kennel gates. Painting of the Cat House internally will be of utmost priority as we have builders coming in at the end of the month to install out cat condos. If we have the volunteers available we are also hoping to start painting the external walls of the kennels.
Weed trees are starting to pop up so we also need to start getting on top of these before they become a problem.
It is amazing to see how our new home is slowly transforming, and even more amazing are the people that are contributing to this.
Thank you, Lewis & Lauren, Laura, Flic, Fiona, Tanya & Tony, Clayton, Pumpkin & Lexi, Frieda and James Knaak the Painter for stepping up today and doing yet another incredible day of work.
If you can’t help but would like to donate, please go to our donate page.
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